Lyngen in Norway – the most beautiful ski touring

Ski touring words and terms

Some terms regarding Ski touring

Kick turns 
When we walk uphill in steep terrain we need to make switchbacks in order not to walk too steep. The best / most effective way to change direction is to use the "ski touring kick turn". This is a variation of the normal kick turn, but different as you have a binding that opens in the back. 
Feel free to watch our movie where Bergsguide Andreas explains how to do it:

Ski crampons
Ski crampons are often confused with normal crampons.
Ski crampons are a piece of equipment you attach to the ski touring bindings on your skis. They help you not to slip on hard surfaces when you walk uphill. 

Crampons are climbing equipment that you put on your ski boots to be able to climb on hard packed snow and ice.

Climbing Skins
The skins that you attach under your skis. They have an adhesive glue on one side that attaches to the base of the ski. On the other side, they have short hairs that grips to the snow. This allows you to walk steeply uphill. 
Skins should be cut perfectly to fit your ski!

Ski touring bindings
Alpine binding where you can unleash the heel and go uphill. When you ski down, you fix the heel and ski down like normal skis.
We recommend "tech" bindings like Dynafit, G3 or ATK.

Ski touring boots
Boots for ski touring come in many variants and models. We think that a good requirement is that they should:
* Must fit your feets
* Have rubber sole (Vibram) underneath to avoid slipping on rock and snow.
* Have a good walking position so that it becomes easier to stand straight and rest when walking uphill
* Proper balance between stiff and low weight in relation to your height, weight and skiing level. 

Ski touring skis
Can be a regular freeride ski with a ski touring binding.
There are lots and models and manufacturers. As for ski touring boots, the right balance between stability and low weight in relation to your height, weight level of skiing. 
Our Guidelines:
* The length of the ski should be your length  +/- 5cm
* Width about 90-110mm in the waist
Keep in mind that wide skis are more difficult to walk up on. Long skis are more difficult to make the kick turn.
For long trips over several days, shorter and narrower (ie lighter) skis are preferred.

Snowboard and Splitboard
We recommend snowboarders to use a Splitboard. It is a snowboard that can be divided into 2 skis. The bindings are redirected and disconnected in the heel so that you can put on skis and go uphill.
You MUST have ski crampons for your Splitboard!

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